“ The Mastermind Series is an amazing way to connect and share experiences with your peers at a deeper level. It’s the embodiment of “we rise by lifting others” - I learned so much from talking about my challenges and goals, as well as talking through what others were going through. It’s like getting a group where sometimes you’re the mentor, sometimes you’re the mentee, but you’re always gaining perspective.
The Aspiring Leaders Track is designed for early-mid career professionals who are looking to accelerate their career and take it to the next level. Built exclusively for women in the tech sector, the Aspiring Leaders group will be equipped with the resources, connections and support they need to achieve their goals.
The Aspiring Leaders Track is for you if….
You are looking for an open forum to talk about wins, fears, challenges and experiences in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
You would like to learn from Industry Experts who have been there, done that and are happy to share their know-how.
You want the support of a strong network of like-minded others.
You’re tired of feeling stuck and not knowing how to move forward.
You're looking for a supportive community so you don't have to do it alone.
Potential Topics for the Cohort:
In a mastermind format, the group holds the agenda. The topics for the meetings will be decided upon by each group collectively. The group may decide to tackle a topic amongst themselves or decide they would prefer to bring in an Industry Expert to join the call and lead the conversation.
Personal Branding
Knowing Your Worth
The Key Roles of Mentorship and Sponsorship – How to Maximize Both
Navigating a Non-Linear Career Path
Finding Your Voice – Strategies for Feeling Heard
Learning to Be Seen – How to Be Recognized as a Leader at Work
Building an Effective Network and Support System
Designing Your Life – How to Find Work/Life Balance