“Through the mastermind series, I was able to strategically network with women who became friends.”
The Executive Leaders Track is for professionals with 10+ years of experience and hold leadership roles within their organizations.
The Executive Leaders Track is for you if….
You have a growth mindset and are ready to see opportunities in challenges.
You are looking for curated, intimate connection with experienced women in tech from outside of your existing networks.
You appreciate solid feedback & perspectives from objective voices.
You would like to build your own personal Board of Directors to advance your career.
Potential Topics for the Cohort:
In a mastermind format, the group holds the agenda. The topics for the meetings will be decided upon by each group collectively. The group may decide to tackle a topic amongst themselves or decide they would prefer to bring in an Industry Expert to join the call and lead the conversation.
Strategic Growth
Team Communications
Presentation Skills
Personal Branding
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Prioritization & Decision Making